TRAVEL: It is a huge hassle at best, a huge challenge all the time and impossible at other times.
- TRAIN: (Until recently was MY FAVORITE WAY TO TRAVEL. The diesel odors and no fresh air have become a huge problem. Also, Amtrak [cross-country travel in the U.S.] has a very limited track so car rental after arriving at the closest station to my destination is usually a requirement which = huge added expense and hassle.) Train travel allows me to move about, visit with people or have my own quiet space, work on my laptop or do some crafts, write letters, eat meals and use the restroom WHENEVER I WANT TO! Train travel was a part of my childhood and I have many fond memories that come to life when I am on a train.
- DRIVING: #1: Every Lyme disease victim MUST HAVE an easy-to-use, portable GPS (to set up on your dashboard as well as carry with you if you will be doing a walkabout.) What takes “normal folk” 8 hrs one way takes me 14 hrs and an overnight stay along the way. Sometimes, whoever is at the other end of the trek must come meet me 1/2 way because the symptoms are too intense for me to competently travel alone. I actually drive fine (the dizziness and blurred vision are GONE while I’m behind the wheel... so weird) but the brain fog and nerve/systemic pain are so intense that I need “coaching” to THINK THROUGH the navigation. My husband and I have used walkie talkies to converse on (if we’re in 2 separate cars and if we don’t have cell service) just to keep my mind sharp while I’m driving.
ELECTRIC SCOOTER: The first time I used one was at Costco, I think, and I was long overdue in needing one. I was humiliated and frustrated to tears. As time passed and I wasn’t getting any healthier, I learned to accept that I am debilitated but, with the right equipment, I don’t have to miss out on life. I learned that an electric scooter DOES NOT REPRESENT DISABILITY; it represents MOBILITY regardless of a disability. We purchased a good used small electric scooter, a red “Jazzy” that has an excellent turn radius. We also purchased a ramp that attaches to the towing ball on the back of our Jeep. I hope that, someday, I can manage loading and unloading my scooter ALONE (without my husband) and we can get a towing package mounted to my vehicle so that I can GO PLACES ALONE with my scooter to make the day's excursions possible.
SERVICE ANIMAL: see the page entirely devoted to this subject