TRAVEL: It is a huge hassle at best, a huge challenge all the time and impossible at other times. 

ELECTRIC SCOOTER: The first time I used one was at Costco, I think, and I was long overdue in needing one.  I was humiliated and frustrated to tears.  As time passed and I wasn’t getting any healthier, I learned to accept that I am debilitated but, with the right equipment, I don’t have to miss out on life.  I learned that an electric scooter DOES NOT REPRESENT DISABILITY; it represents MOBILITY regardless of a disability.  We purchased a good used small electric scooter, a red “Jazzy” that has an excellent turn radius.  We also purchased a ramp that attaches to the towing ball on the back of our Jeep.  I hope that, someday, I can manage loading and unloading my scooter ALONE (without my husband) and we can get a towing package mounted to my vehicle so that I can GO PLACES ALONE with my scooter to make the day's excursions possible. 

SERVICE ANIMAL: see the page entirely devoted to this subject

Accomodating the Disease
